Friday, November 12, 2010

True Leadership!

Have we lost our way as Christian leaders?  In a day when we are running from model to model for inspiration and guidance and basing the validity of that model on the criteria of "is it reaching people?”, we have clearly made a potentially fatal wrong turn.  Is the presence of followers really God's stamp of approval on our ministry efforts?  We must be careful not to fall into the trap of merely trying to get people to attend our services at any cost in the name of "relevant" evangelism.  The Word tells us that what the people will respond to is not necessarily a good indication that the leaders are doing the right thing;  Just read 2 Timothy 4:3-4. ”They will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."  To be a false teacher you need followers, because without them you’re just a person with bad theology.   
Far too many leaders are using the privilege of leadership to selfishly boost their ego and fill some personal void that life has dealt them.  It’s easy to see how the presence of many followers can blur our sight and detour the vision of many leaders.  I recently heard of two pastors going undercover on national television to confess that they were actually atheists, but still continued to pastor because the economy was bad and they couldn't get another job.  Wow!  In the Old Testament, some pastors were also just doing ministry as a job and the Lord heard them saying “My, how tiresome it is” Malachi 1:13. Without a personal and daily connection with God to ReFill us, we will also suffer the same fate!  The result of this, was that the people became like the priests in Hosea 4:8-10 “And it will be, like people, like priest”.  Hosea also tells us the people were ultimately "destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.  They weren't being taught the truth by their leaders!
As leaders looking at the state of the church in America, we must examine our hearts in a real and authentic way!  God does want His church to advance and be victorious, but there is only one way.   We must walk in truth in our lives and motives and hold out the uncompromising truth to the world.  God will draw his chosen people to that light.  It is time for the leadership to repent and go after God with all our heart, soul and strength.  True leadership is about conviction not motivating people to volunteer, managing teams or creating innovative and relevant programming.  Have mercy on our souls and lead us back to true leadership!         

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Great Awakening?

You don't have to look far to see that the church in America is seemingly in decline. I have seen some reports that say 88% of young adults will leave the church upon graduating and others stating that only about 18% of Americans actually attend church. Studies also show that the increase in the number of churches is only about ONE EIGHTH of what is needed to keep up with population growth! This decline is nothing new, it has quietly been occurring through out the history of our country. I recently saw a news story in my city (Denver) that said 92% of people don't attend church! Wow!! John Wesley said "what one generation tolerates the the next generation will celebrate". We could very well be looking at the last Christian generation!

I am not sounding the alarm to be afraid. But the truth is, no amount of innovative ideas or great programing can curve this trend! We need a move of God! The Lord said in Zechariah 4:6 that its "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty". This is also not the first time the church has been in a prolonged apathetic state as it is now. It has only been the fervent repentance of God's people that has brought about a great awakening leading to a great harvest. This is what we need now!

I challenge you to examine your hearts (as do I) and repent of any hidden sin. Before there can be fullness of the Spirit in our lives there must be complete emptiness of ourselves. This great awakening will only come through the remnant people of God walking in repentance, obedience and holiness as we are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" 1 peter 2:9. We are the incarnated church, the "go between" for the people of this world. We carry the truth of the gospel in our everyday devotion and actions! We must be holy for His spirit to completely fill us and work though us! It is time for God's people to repent and pray for a great outpouring of His Spirit!